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Wheelchair and Scooter repair, medicare provider

Power Wheelchair, Scooter and Rehab Chair Repair

We provide expert repair for Drive, Shoprider, Golden Technologies, CTM, Invacare, Pride, Sunrise Medical, Merits, Liberty, PDG Mobility, Quickie, Quantum and Permobil wheelchairs and rehab chairs.


With years of experience and thousands of satisfied customers, Aging Care, Inc continues to provide the best service and carry the widest selection of home health equipment. Each staff member is highly-trained in the field of medical equipment and most are bilingual in Spanish and English.


A Long-Term
Medicare Provider

Medicare typically pays for repair and replacement of your wheelchair or scooter under your durable medical equipment (DME) benefits

Serving the Aging Community Since 2001
Quick Turnaround
and Response Time

With years of experience and thousands of satisfied customers, Aging Care, Inc. continues to provide the best service and carry the widest selection of home health equipment.

Each staff member is highly-trained in the field of medical equipment and most are bilingual in Spanish and English.

Email us!

Medicare typically pays for repair and replacement of your wheelchair or scooter

under your durable medical equipment (DME) benefits?

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© 2017 by Aging Care, Inc.

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